Sunday, August 28, 2016

Humility in the Age of ME

For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, 
and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11 NRSV)

I think it all started with the old Burger King® TV ads: “Have it your way.” Okay, maybe they didn’t start it, but they were one of the first to latch on to the culture of ME. Then came the personal computer. Soon we could have our own website. Our own Facebook page. And don’t forget selfies! Soon we could make ourselves a star on YouTube or create some other video of ourselves and wait for it to go “viral.” With the advent of the cell phone, now we can tell everyone where we’re visiting, who we’re partying with, and what we’re eating.

It’s actually difficult for us as human beings to focus on others instead of ourselves. We wake up every morning with our own thoughts. As we get ready for work or school, we think about the day ahead and whether we are looking forward to it or dreading it. We spend 24 hours a day in our own heads, and it’s tough to step away from what’s going on in our minds. To stop viewing each situation using our own lives as our frame of reference.

Notice I said “our.” I’m including myself because I am so guilty of this. If I’m feeling good about my accomplishments, then I tend to overdo it and start thinking I’m pretty special. And on the “flip side,” if I’m focusing on my failures, then I overdo it in the other direction and start thinking I’ll never measure up.

My own life is reflected in Luke 14:11 (see above). Usually, if I’m congratulating myself too much, something happens to “take me down a peg.” And if I’m feeling like a failure, someone eventually comes along to help dig me out of the pit. And yet, even in these situations, the focus is on ME.

So how do we stop living in our own heads all the time? Yes, we need to look around us and see the hurts of others. Yes, we need to click on a different page of the news websites to read about something other than what’s going on in the entertainment world. But, again, this keeps us relying on our own efforts. And we all know the world of ME beckons us 24/7. I believe the answer lies in our focus. More on that next time.

In the meantime, tell me something. Do you struggle with this as well? (Please don’t tell me I’m the only one!) I look forward to your comments!
