Sunday, November 13, 2016

When It's Tough to Keep Doing What's Right

Today I'm sad. My friend in hospice care looked worse. The protests and discussions following this past week's presidential election are wearing on me. I've been called lazy because I believe that God is still in control of this world, no matter how things seems right now. And time just seems to be flying by without giving me a chance to catch up. 

I'm tired, both physically and emotionally. It's getting more difficult to get up in the morning. Anyone else feel the same way? Maybe it's because my friend is dying. Or maybe it's the time change that is throwing me off. Or perhaps it's because the holidays are almost here and I'm thinking about all that has to be done. But the Bible says, "So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)

I'm thinking that growing weary in this context means much more than physical exhaustion. We can get some sleep or take a day off and still be weary of doing what is right. No, I believe this verse is speaking more to our emotional weariness-- the attitude of, "Why bother? Nothing I do makes a difference anyway." I'm sure most of us have been there at one time or another. 

Don't Rely On Your Feelings 

How do you fight against the "why bother" attitude? One way is simply get up the next day and keep on working for good, no matter how you feel. Another way is to consider that sometimes we may be making a difference and not even know it. Recently someone told me how appreciative she was of my help and encouragement. But the thing is, I didn't think I had done much at all. And (on the flip side) I still remember a kindness shown to me over 32 years ago by someone who doesn't even remember it today. 

So be encouraged, my friends, even when you're tired and start to believe what you do doesn't matter. Keep on doing what is right because you may never know how much your efforts mean to someone else. 

How has someone has blessed your life, even in the smallest way? Go ahead and tell that person about it. He or she may just need to hear that today. 

We'll chat again next week. 

