Last week, we talked about "Humility in the Age of ME." About spending so much time in our own thoughts that it's tough to turn ourselves outward and focus on other people and situations. I mentioned it was a matter of focus, and that's what I'd like to talk about today.
Trying to turn our attention toward others while using our own strength, willpower or what-have-you still finds us relying on ourselves. I believe the only way to truly achieve this outward turn is to change our focus. We need to focus on our Creator and Redeemer. Just this week, I had several opportunities to put this into practice. I found myself depressed about the anniversary of my dog's passing. Then a potential career set-back fell right on top of that. I spent almost two full days drawn inward, nursing my hurt.
I didn't-- no, couldn't-- think about anyone else's needs. The solution was to turn my focus back to Jesus and remind myself that His plan for my life is already underway and safe in His trusted hands. Once we are "tuned in" to Him, our own pain lessens and we can move on and go about the things He would want us to do.
Businesses over the years have come up with acronyms for the word FOCUS. Let me suggest one more we can use to help us turn our attention toward God instead of ourselves. Forward Our Concerns Unto the Savior.
In the workplace, sometimes we receive email requests that would be better handled by someone else so we forward it on to that person. This is the same thing. When we "receive" concerns that overwhelm us and threaten to drag us into our own minds, remember to "forward" it on to God. Let Him take care of your concerns. And soon, just like the old hymn says, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of this earth will go strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace" (author Helen H. Lemmel).
It's still not an easy thing to do. But I believe it's the best way to handle our hurts and turn ourselves back toward others once again. Give it a try. Let me know how it works for you. Just remember to FOCUS.
Until next time....