Sunday, October 30, 2016

Whose Responsibility Is It?

I don't know if other church secretaries feel like I do-- as if somehow what I do during the week can help bring people to church on Sunday. Maybe if I write a bulletin announcement in such a way, then people will change their minds about giving or helping or attending. Maybe if I arrange newsletter articles a certain way, then it will draw attention to an important cause and make people think seriously about it. 

Then Sunday comes and attendance is down again. Where is everyone? Some are on vacation. Some have children in traveling sports leagues. Some are sick. Some are working. Some are just too tired to get up in the morning. And others have given up and turned away from God-- their pain too deep, their sorrows too overwhelming. And I look around and feel as if somehow I've failed.  

But do you know what? By thinking I've failed, I'm actually taking on responsibility that isn't even mine. It's is the Lord's responsibility to change hearts and bring people back to His house of worship. We can only do what the Lord asks of us, to the best of our abilities. So that means as secretary of my church, I need to continue to make announcements as clear as possible. Make needs known. Facilitate communication among my church family. But it's not my job to change hearts. 

From Worry to Hope

So today, I rested myself from that burden. Yes, attendance still isn't great. Yes, the children's choir isn't as full as it should be. But instead of wondering what the problem or why it's happening, I listened to the children's wonderful, sweet voices singing praise to God. I saw a young boy with a disability that makes it difficult for him to speak, and he was standing there smiling, moving to the music, and occasionally moving his lips and forming the words. 

What joy! What a wonderful thing God is accomplishing in this little boy. And a young couple with a six-month old boy have joined us and brought their talents and joy to share with us. And despite the numbers, God showed me hope. 

So what have you been obsessing over lately? Is it your responsibility to carry that burden at all? Ask God to show you. May He will show you peace and joy instead of worry and fear. Maybe hope was there all along. Only now you get to see it. 

Give it some thought this week, friends, and let me know what God is telling you. 

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