Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dealing With Interruptions

Super Bowl Sunday has already been a busy day. We went to church, grocery store after that, a quick lunch, and home to clean before the family comes over. Whew! As I sat down to write this post, I gathered all the necessities: cold drink, laptop charger, headphones. I turned on the computer and fired up the music. I stilled my brain for a moment to concentrate on today's subject. Then the phone rang. 

It happens all the time. Just when I really get in the groove, someone stops in or calls. A sweet lady at church observed that my work as a church secretary is nothing but interruptions. Now, I tend to be a Martha in the Mary vs. Martha story of the Bible (Luke 10:38-42). I just want to get things done. 

Jesus was coming to visit two sisters named Mary and Martha. Wow. If you're not going to spiff up your house any other day, you certainly would make an exception for Jesus. So Martha scurried around cleaning and cooking and making sure all the guests were comfortable. Even after Jesus arrived she stayed in the kitchen, probably straightening up and filling the salt shakers. But Mary left the chores and sat at Jesus' feet to hear Him teach. After Martha had had enough, she stormed out to Jesus and demanded He make her sister return to the kitchen and help. But Jesus said He wouldn't do that because Mary had chosen the better activity. Jesus told Martha she was consumed with many burdens, but it was better to rest with Him. 

So what does this have to do with interruptions? Notice how Martha interrupted Jesus while He was teaching and talking with the other guests. She was kind of rude, actually. But Jesus took the opportunity this interruption afforded to explain how Mary had chosen the better activity-- she had placed a priority on learning from Him. 

Interruptions as Opportunities

So what about when we're interrupted? We can be like Martha and become upset that we can't seem to get anything accomplished, or we can do as Jesus did and look at the interruption as an opportunity to help someone. He stopped what He was doing to guide Martha into a better way of living. And we are most like Him when we put others' needs before our own. Aren't we as Christians called upon to be salt and light to others? (Matthew 5:13-16) 

I'm still learning this, but I believe God places interruptions in our lives to help us be salt and light to others. I have my agenda, but when God sees fit to place other people in my path I should try to put aside the to-do list and focus on someone else's needs. Many times, the result of such interruptions can be more rewarding than anything I had planned. 

It's something to think about as we prepare to begin another work week. When have you had an interruption turn into an opportunity to serve others? How can we be more open to seeing interruptions as opportunities? I'm looking forward to your comments. 

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